
I mentioned my detour to Pet Finder in a recent post, a detour that took me to possible pet bunnies. Lo and behold the next day, as he was hopping into the shower, Carl mentioned that Tinkerbell’s friend was back: the rabbit she stares at every morning who nibbles and browses the clover and grass outside our bedroom window. Carl said there might be two of them. I looked out and noted three and took a photo to prove it. At which point, I noted the fourth. This is not auspicious news for our garden.

I posted the photo to friends of ours, all of whom have gardens/farms. I subtitled the text “Uh, oh. I read an article about pet bunnies being waay more sustainable and earth-friendly than cats, but I didn’t mean….”

Responder 1: Only because you can eat them. We have a haveahart [trap] you can borrow. Doesn’t make a substantial difference, though.

Responder 2: Have shotgun, will travel.

Me: Travel elsewhere. Carl and I were discussing fencing them in. Planting pretty lettuces. Then I commented “what will we do when they reach population capacity?”

R2: Are our wild rabbits the same [sic] ones as domesticated?

Me: Meaning do they f*ck as much? Carl wondered the same, and if rabbits have the same ability to self-regulate their population. Could be another Darwin’s View experiment/experience. And food for bobcats.

R2: You are into milk. That involves “freshening”. How do we rationalize this? Am interested. 

Me: Short answer, we know the farmers and know they have happy, healthy cows, and ensure those cows (whom they eat) have as good deaths as can be had.

R1: Some of us eat meat. Mostly male.

R2: You have eye to eye contact with the executioners?

R1: Yes.

R2: Gun or knife?

R1: Gun, then knife.

At which point the full moon distracted everyone.

Question: How would you milk a rabbit?


Weather Report


Chicken Models: A Photo Shoot